CD73 is a glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchored membrane protein that belongs to the 5"-nucleotidase family. CD73 is an ecto 5"Nucleotidase expressed by most cell types. CD73 hydrolyzes extracellular nucleotides into membrane permeable nucleosides. CD73 is one of several enzymes responsible for the production of extracellular adenosine, a signaling molecule that is involved in responses to inflammation and tissue injury. CD73 is a lymphocyte maturation marker that has functions independent of its catalytic activity. CD73 is also a regulator of leukocyte extravasation, a function that requires its 5"Nucleotidase activity. Defects in NT5E are the cause of calcification of joints and arteries (CAJA). The recombinant CD73 lacking GPI anchor is secreted as a monomer. CD73 has been implicated as a prognostic indicator and therapeutic target in cancers. CD73 may act as an immune checkpoint inhibitor to natural killer cells in tumors, and this activity correlates with tumor invasiveness, metastasis, and poor outcome in cancer patients.
ECM Biosciences是一家著名的生物公司,开发新的生物技术的生命科学研究。公司工程与研究机构全球发展创新的工具,以提高研究和治疗相关的神经病理学,癌症,免疫功能障碍和心血管疾病。ECM Biosciences 的科学合作重点在分子组成部分,产生细胞运动的变化,细胞形状,促进细胞运动和细胞结构确定。细胞运动的重要作用在肿瘤细胞迁移,免疫细胞浸润,以及神经和血管修复。各种蛋白质在细胞外机质(ECM)周围细胞信号蛋白在细胞内的细胞骨架,以控制细胞运动 ECM Biosciences 生物利用创新肽和抗体为基础的办法,发展新的工具来检测和操作蛋白质功能的各个方面的细胞运动,如细胞黏附,细胞迁移和细胞信号。